MEGADETH: 'Peace Sells' DVD-Audio Premiere To Be Held At NAMM

July 18, 2003

MEGADETH's 5.1 DVD-Audio surround mix of "Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?" will receive its world premiere this Saturday (July 19) at an invitation-only event co-presented by ESP Guitars and DTS Entertainment as part of the Summer NAMM show in Nashville, Tennessee.

Set for release through DTS Entertainment later in the year, "this feature-loaded DVD-Audio disc offers MEGADETH fans some totally mind-blowing surround re-mixes, plus a slew of exciting extras: music videos of both 'Peace Sells…' and 'Wake Up Dead', a complete set of lyrics, a photo gallery, web links, a band member biography, and an interactive section of 'Music Minus One' versions of 'Devil's Island' [isolated instruments]," according to an official press release. "And the 'mega-powerful' surround re-mixes are sure to give hard-core fans some serious whiplash."

Former MEGADETH leader Dave Mustaine, who is expected to make an appearance at the Nashville premiere, recently spoke to Guitar World magazine about the upcoming release.

"I went out to Burbank and met up with a guy named Mack, who had produced a bunch of stuff for QUEEN," he said. "The guy was so cool — he's just the neatest little old dude. He found out that one of the tracks had a technical error to it that I wasn't aware of at the time, a drum problem. I mean, at that time, because of the narcotics that everyone was doing, we were just lucky that [late drummer] Gar [Samuelson] stayed awake through the whole session. We were just luck to get that stuff down on tape. But when it came to the mixing, I didn't catch it — it was basically some kind of compression problem. But because the technology is different now, we were able to fix that little thing.

"When Mack finished the DVD, and I heard it back for the first time, I'm sitting there experiencing it again like it was a rehearsal, like Gar was still alive and [guitarist] Chris [Poland] was right there and Junior [Ellefson] was there. I got to tell you, I got really melancholy because of the loss of Gar. And just to close your eyes and picture the whole thing going down. Oh, it was freaky. Déjà vu is such a gay term, but I totally relived the moment. It was like being in a time machine."

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